The cross of Lorraine, its a double bared cross meant to symbolize, commemorate, and designate those who fought in the French Resistance against Fascist Occupation in World War Two. It could conceivably be used to designate those people in everyday life who have fought against Tyrannical Rule and Oppression. The cross could be powder blue or white, similar to the monolith at OHSU that I witnessed unwittingly on a stretcher when I was taken out of the hospital post-surgery and still goofy on anesthesia. My time in the VA ward was spent trying to help a man with a busted liver while I was under treatment too, I think the only gesture I could make was having my lover give him some cigarettes when the inhuman health plan had kicked him out of the ward and back onto the street. Situations like that are both non-military and non-civilian and are unacceptable no matter the personal opinions of the nurses or doctors. If somebody is still alive, it is their right to seek fair medical treatment no matter the ailment, and they should also not be deprived of such treatment for substance abuse or non-compassionate mental health diagnoses.
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