Saturday, December 21, 2013

i feel that the only two words
in any language that folks and gents and dames and kids
understand any longer is "my money,"
but they fail to realize
that the only reason they have any
is because somebody somehow
gave it to them
and what hurt me in the past
is hey, someone gave me eight hundred a month
but it aint enough for even some stupid rabbit cage
up north.

this is not
what i am angry with any longer
its mostly these things
that when i am trying to be lost,
people will come up to me
and hold me responsible in some sick way
for the fact that they don't like
the color purple
because they only had three brain anuerysms
from drug use
and couldn't get the point
that maybe meth and battery acid
wasn't a healthy mixture
for the olfactory gland
that is used for smelling flowers and sewers
so sometimes
i am expected to listen to them
when they have tons of money
and maybe zero brain cells (i have a theory there)
when they come into my room
and put a bunch soap into my coffee maker
because that is cleaning to them
but to me it signifies
that i cannot drink any more coffee
because you do not drink a cup of soap
mixed with weak coffee
that is now ruined,
or how they say something is wrong with him
when he can't laugh at some dumbass who sliced two of his fingers off
with a garden pruner while high
two days before fucking his daughter

i mean
there is only so much
that i can take, especially Chinese tourists
who despite the race
have the same dipshit mentality
or some lack of mentation

but i won't mention the Chinese
because i don't know any of them
just these slobs that refused a beer and a kind word
because they are smoking drier lint mixed with carpet shavings
after intentionally giving themselves some new high
of drugs mixed with mercury from a rectal thermometer
they found in a dead throat cancer victim's apartment.

i would say something beautiful
but i think at least a stone is a stone
the sky is the sky
they better not mess any longer
with the feeling of cold wind like a soft palm on my cheek
because then i might really feel
what is at the bottom of what is wrong with this world,

1 comment:

  1. well now i am sick from soap that i didn't know was in my fucking coffee, congrats on cleaning when you cleaned last night, last afternoon, and in the morning
