Friday, December 27, 2013


I had this "dream" the other night that involved waking up from a virtual reality program.  The path of this existence was proven to be some kind of subterfuge, and there were these "people" tending to the machinery of false existence in a janitorial sense.

In the dream, my wife said from some other part of that world "Steve, you'd better get your ass out of there before they find you."

I wasn't human in this dream, I had wings and magical powers and was being consoled by factory/mechanical employees.  My wife called again "Steven, get your ass out of there."

As soon as I left it became apparent that they were being nice (the workers, not my wife) just so they could subdue and kill me.  I fought a battle using a pole while semi flying, it was more like skating on those sterile stupid corridors packed with bullshit.

What terrified me was the "people" got me under again using some trick of currency, saying that I had woke up from a video game that charged five dollars a minute.  I woke up in this world, shaking and smoking, with my wife's lingering babble still in my mind.

I don't know what this is or how to cope.  It's not all Matrix-ified, even though it sounds like the same idea.  I know that the concept for a long time was a philosophical thought experiment.

I went back to sleep and was trying to get out again.  In the second dream, my wife called again and said "Whatever you're going to do, you'd better do it fast" so I stole some car keys and got apprehended by police.  The third dream was about drinking beer in a fancy club before being forced to go back to school.

I don't know what this means.  I am terrified because in the "dreams" I really loved the woman who was (is?) my wife out there, and I felt measurably sickened by waking up this morning.  The duration of the dreams was long in there happening but only about six hours here.

I don't know

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