red hayseed
tumbled in mercury of Argentina,
you imagine
that I didn't recognize
his shaved lab rat sun
aping the motions
of a diviner surface
than the sunrise.
all he wore
was leather
when he jabbed that crux
into his decaying forearm
like anybody
who was a man
and hadn't reconciled
that pain of humanity
as removed
from suffering,
which is an impossible trap
when even flowers
remind one of rape.
I drank a beer
then had another afterwords
and figured nothing
but a cliff's outrage
during the Battle of Britain
when the Hurricanes
survived armor piercing rounds
and came back home
to find a ruined and smoking factory
lit up by tracer phosporesence.
Why didn't you tell the others with their radios
that they would have a small knife
between their shoulder blades
that couldn't be pulled out?
Well its because
we call that grief.
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